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 Volunteer With Us!

Photo Credit: Edwige Moses/NPS

miss-monarchmonitoring-082024-edwigemoses0022_orig - Copy.jpg

Why Volunteer?

The Volunteers-in-Parks (VIP) Program is co-managed by Mississippi Park Connection and the National Park Service for the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area. Volunteers are a crucial component in many areas of park operation at the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area. We offer a wide range of volunteer opportunities throughout the Twin Cities. Most options do not require training or a lengthy time commitment and we welcome drop-ins. It’s a great way to meet others and a fun and rewarding way to spend the day.

Volunteer Training Resources

From history and interpretation to natural resources, we have something that might pique your interest. We have now included training for volunteers to learn more about diversity, social justice, and equity as it pertains to outdoor spaces. Please take some time to learn how you can make a positive impact on our river community and create a welcoming environment for everyone. Hours spent on these resources can be added to your volunteer profile! Report them at

Volunteers-in-Parks Newsletter

* indicates required

Stay Connected!

Our monthly VIP e-newsletter announces upcoming volunteer opportunities throughout the park, features news from the team, and more. Sign up to stay informed on all things volunteer-related!

Volunteer Opportunities

Habitat Restoration

Habitat restoration improves Mississippi River water quality, offers wildlife habitat, aids migrating birds, and enhances park and trail scenery. Volunteers can assist by removing invasives, planting natives, or joining river clean-ups.

Public Programming 

Our public programming events happen with the support of volunteers! This includes tabling, assisting in hikes, and other needed support.

Field S

cientific Survey

The park has several ongoing research projects monitoring wildlife and vegetation in the park. Past and current opportunities include tree surveying, beaver monitoring, waterfowl surveys, and the Monarch Larvae Monitoring Project.

Youth Education

Help foster youth learning by supporting field trips and other education programming along the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area!

Specialized Volunteer Roles

Specialized volunteer roles require training from a volunteer supervisor/staff before volunteering for a shift. Examples include tree surveying, Trails & Rails, the Mississippi River Visitor Center, and more.

Are you interested? Look at what positions are offered and check out if there are any training dates at the link below! Otherwise, feel free to email or to be added to the waiting list for upcoming training dates.

Organized and Corporate Group Volunteers

A great team-building experience for corporate groups, community organizations, youth groups, and schools. Help preserve the Mississippi River, while working together in a meaningful and unique way.

Volunteer Blog Posts


Contact Us!

The VIP program is co-managed by the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area (MISS) and Mississippi Park Connection (MPC). Feel free to email,, or call the MPC Volunteer Coordinator number at 651-291-9119.